A day at the spa

The downside of having my two brothers living with me, is the new bathing schedule. I don’t really understand why, but these boys apparently need to be bathed every week! And while she’s on it, Susan usually showers me too. Poor me.

When it was cold, Susan used to lure me into the bathroom with some biscuits and then she would use luke warm water to bathe me in the tub. But now that it’s warming up again, she turns our front yard into what she calls  a ‘spa area’, with different kinds of shampoos, conditioners, clean towels, and of course: the garden hose. Susan’s Happy Spa? Not at all! As I mentioned before: I don’t care much for showers, I always try to tell her “THIS IS NOT NECESSARYYY!” but she will not listen!

A day at the spa

Although, I have to admit: once I’m soaked it’s not too bad, I actually like the shampoo massages Susan gives me… And I love how she rubs me with a towel, afterwards. My brothers are much more easy going on the whole spa experience by the way. I guess they are vain, especially big little brother, with his soft, long hair. Silly boys, don’t they know a dog should smell like a dog, not like daisies?!

After all the bathing we are clean and Susan is usually soaked because all the while we keep trying to shake the water off. One time Susan thought she was smart by wearing a rain coat and rubber boots, but of course this outfit is waaaaay too hot in Hong Kong. So now she just wears flip flops, shorts and a shirt and she showers after we finished ours. Meanwhile the three of us go absolutely berserk! We are so happy and relieved the spa is closed again, we play very wildly and run around like crazy. In fact, we move so fast, Susan never manages to capture the moment: it’s just a big dog blur. We have so much fun, the bathing is almost worth it!


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