I had to go to the vet this week. Nothing serious: just to get my yearly heartworm prevention injection. Heartworms are nasty little buggers, easy to prevent but hard to get rid of once you’re invested. Of course these things are not on my mind as I’m on this cold table, surrounded by weird smells,…
All posts by Bauhinia
Super model
This weekend was adventurous! It started with having a bath. Susan bathes me about every two weeks. If I smell extra lovely I have to get in the tub more often. I never understand this logic and bathing makes me all tense, so afterwards I run around like crazy to unwind. Soon after this ordeal…
Almost airborne
Yesterday early morning husband went biking in Sunny Bay and first dropped me and Susan on the Tung Chung Road, on top of the mountain. At the bus stop I watched husband drive off, feeling a bit sad. Meanwhile the wind was blowing so hard I almost became airborne! Before I flew off we started…
Screaming my lungs out!
PCCW came and we’re back online! I was a very, very good girl, being nice and quiet while the PCCW guy did his important work. Now that I’m on the subject of being a good girl, Susan has spent over a year now to teach me to be by myself. By myself in the house,…
Pui O Water Buffalo
So in our new house we still do not have internet. Since I’m a dog, I couldn’t care less, but Susan is grumpy about it as it makes writing my journal (and doing a million other things on the computer) troublesome. Anyway, PCCW is working on it, so hopefully ‘we’ will be back online soon!…
Playtime in old and new places
Now we live in the other house! It confuses me sometimes, on our walks I keep wanting to go back to the old place. But there is nothing there anymore! A couple of times we went there so Susan could do some cleaning or pick up and drop of laundry. Yesterday, I was just hanging…
In the garden
Lately we’ve not been walking as much as I’m used to. Susan and hubby keep running around, back and forth, to another house! In this house they are very busy, always painting (smelly!), cleaning (also smelly!) or fixing curtains (with my help). Many, many other people come by all the time to do mysterious things…
Autumn, but still hot, hot, hot… and smelly
So, summer is over, right? It’s autumn! But still it’s soooo hot! I want to swim each time we walk, but Susan doesn’t let me in the streams because it has not been raining for a long time and the water might not be too fresh anymore. Luckily the Silver River is also very close…
Kleine bus, grote verwarring
In Hong Kong wonen we recht boven een station, dus maak ik graag en veel gebruik van de metro. De Hongkongse variant van de OV-chipkaart, de ‘Octopus’, werkt hier al jaren perfect dus ik heb nooit strippenkaartachtige onzekerheden (je kan zelfs ‘rood staan’ op je Octopus!) en de metroplattegrond is echt fool-proof. Maar de metro…
Is k-u-t zeggen ‘normaal’?
Tijdens mijn verjaardagsdiner leerden we een Hongkongse ‘lekker kontje’ zeggen, een vrij feestelijke bezigheid. Het grappige was, dat zij het natuurlijk niet goed uitsprak en het klonk als ‘lekkah kotje’. Hilariteit alom! ‘You said something very, very naughty!’ proestte ik uit. Maar iemand anders was het daar niet helemaal mee eens. Volgens haar was k-u-t…