Your dog can enjoy:
– 3 walks daily in hills and rural areas
– playtime in a village apartment + rooftop
– regular swimming / beach walks
– mountain hikes (± 7 k) every week (weather permitting)
– interaction with my dogs (and perhaps a few other dogs that stay with us)
– relaxing in a home environment (with aircon and heaters of course)
– lots of TLC (Tender Loving Care)!
Special wishes? Just let me know! Please also have a look at my requirements.
You’ll get:
– personalized journals I’ll send you daily, so you can read all about your dog’s time here and enjoy some pictures as well. You can choose between these services:
Dog For The Day (no sleepover, no long morning walk, no brekkie, no pick up / drop off)
Your dog has breakfast at your home and stays here during the day, arriving after 8.30 am and leaving before bed time (within reason). Don’t forget to bring dinner! You pick up and drop off at my place yourself. You get a daily WhatsApp journal with at least 2 pictures and short descriptions.
Costs per day: HKD 250
Holiday Hound
If you go on holiday or for another reason can’t take care of your dog for a couple of days or even a few weeks, your dog can stay with me and will be integrated in our household. Every day that your dog is with me you get a whatsapp journal with at least 4 pictures and short descriptions.
Costs per day: HKD 300
Long Howl (4 weeks or longer)
I offer long term stay too. Depending on our own plans, dogs can stay with me for months at the time. Every week you’ll get several updates with pictures. Please contact me for a tailored offer.
Pick up / drop off services
Depending on my availability I can pick up and / or drop off your dog anywhere in Hong Kong.
Pick up / drop off at the Mui Wo ferry pier: free
Pick up / drop off in Tung Chung (your dog must be relaxed in a car and have a car-harness or fit one of mine: I have a Clix CarSafe size S and a Clix CarSafe size M): HKD 300
Pick up / drop off at the Central ferry piers: HKD 300
For other locations: Please contact me for a tailored offer.
More than one dog?
Please contact me for a tailored offer.