Injured! Poor me…

Last time I promised to tell you more about my summer friends. But this will have to wait as something happened to me: I have an injury. 

One morning Susan urged me to get out of my bed so we could go on our morning walk with the other dogs. I reluctantly left my wonderful nest (I’m not a morning person, remember?), and… was in pain. My left hind paw! It really hurt! I just couldn’t use it.

Ruby limpingOf course when you gotta go, you gotta go. So on three paws I joined a very short walk, cunningly putting my right hind leg directly under my body to support my weight (good thing I’m so petite). I think Susan was hoping I was exaggerating and I would start to use my paw again. But I never exaggerate! At home she tried to find out what was wrong. She wanted to touch my foot but this hurt so badly I got really angry! Susan put the muzzle on me (treats! yes! wait… no! no! grrrrrr! auuww, grrrrr! yes! treats! treats!) but couldn’t find anything wrong. So she called the vet and later that day she put me in her bike basket and we went to the clinic.

Ruby SPCAThe vet said one of my toes was a bit swollen and a teeny tiny bit red. Probably there was a very small wound before, maybe I stepped in something, and my toe got infected. Hmmm… I don’t remember anything and Susan quite often checks my feet and never saw me limping… But I think everybody but me agreed that it was not necessary for me to go totally berserk when people tried to touch my foot. Well, what can I say… I’m just sensitive and don’t like pain! I got a shot of painkillers and anti-biotics and Susan got some pills to take home with us. As I was already being grumpy and uncomfortable, the vet did the unspeakable thing to my behind again too… Oh I felt so bad for myself! WHY ME?!

But from then on life was good again. At home my friends sniffed me to check if I was okay and that afternoon I was already feeling much better, playing very wildly. And the best part is: I now get a spoon full of peanutbutter with funny tasting chunks in it two times a day! Somehow even when bad things happen it always ends up very well for me. I am a lucky dog!

Ruby pills

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