We had a Christmas holiday with ups and downs. It was nice to run around with all my friends, the weather was beautiful and cool most of the time, we hiked, laid in the sun, went to the beach and as soon as the sun would disappear behind the mountains we spent many hours snuggled up next to the heater.
Not so nice: one of my friends got very sick all of a sudden, so Susan and Mark had to rush to the emergency vet on Hong Kong Island on Christmas eve! Luckily all ended well, but it was a big scare. Well, for them, that is. I didn’t care so much, because I’m a dog.
Click on the photo’s below to visit our Christmas 2014 photo album!
Running on the service road
Running with my friends before I head for the garbage bins… Haha!
Dudley can make silly jumps
Jess and Dudley wrestling!
Laying in front of a mirror?
Hanging next to our house
Jess is trying and failing to impress Moses
Hiking with the pack!
Selfie with husband!
Even in the winter it’s nice to lay in the sun
Wah! The water is so cold, silly Moses!
Dudley & Jess: both black, but very different
Jess in the mountains
Sometimes I’m allowed off leash to run in the field
Dudley thinks we’re being silly…
Breakfast time!!
A bunch of us in the mountains with husband
The field: one of our favourite places
Leashing up the boys after a beach walk
Jess stayed with us the longest of all the Christmas guests
Christmas eve at the SPCA emergency clinic with poor Barnaby
Dudley likes to cuddle
Barnaby & Moses enjoying some peace
Susan’s selfie with Moses!
Harry is the only one not interested in the treat Susan is holding
Usually us beagles have to stay on the leash
Sharing my bed with Moses
On boxing day Moses decided to roll in cow poo!
Around the heater!
Barnaby is not feeling well, but he got better!
The beach is always a winning destination!
Snuggled around the heater
We’re all being very good, so maybe we’ll get a treat?
Four in a row!
Dudley & Moses had a lot of fun together
This morning I was so obsessed with catching Moses!