In love

One morning Susan brought another dog to our house. Of course this happened before, but this time it was different. It was still dark outside and I was sleeping! I was so startled and surprised, I got a bit grumpy. Well, I am not a morning person! But Susan immediately took us both for a walk…

Party time

Well, after my birthday things didn’t exactly calm down. First of all the humans decided to celebrate Sinterklaas, which is the Dutch (and according to Susan better) Santa Claus. We got some packages with Dutch treats and gifts in the mail! Susan hid the packages but of course I could not be fooled and soon…

To the vet

I had to go to the vet this week. Nothing serious: just to get my yearly heartworm prevention injection. Heartworms are nasty little buggers, easy to prevent but hard to get rid of once you’re invested. Of course these things are not on my mind as I’m on this cold table, surrounded by weird smells,…