Bye bye brothers, hello summer!

The strangest thing happened: my brothers are gone! One day Susan buckled us up in the car and drove to Whiskers ‘n Paws in Ap Lei Chau. There we ran around for a bit, stretching our legs after the long drive.

01 Whiskers n Paws

02 in carBut after that, my brothers disappeared! I feared Susan forgot about them. Back in the car (I could still smell them of course) I kept checking the back seat and was very worried. Also because I could sense Susan was a bit sad. Since I’m a dog, I don’t worry about things for long though… Especially since we are having such great adventures all the time!

For example, with a group of lovely humans, we went to swim in beautiful pools one day. My brothers would not have liked that anyway: they don’t swim, ha! But I love it, nothing tops swimming on a hot summer day. And now other dogs are staying with us. Because it’s summer their humans go on the mysterious thing they call ‘holiday’. I’ll tell more about my new canine friends next time…

03 waterfall






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