Last weekend I stayed with some human friends because Susan and hubby felt the need to disappear again on what they call ‘holiday’. I didn’t mind much, as Susan had filled a big tin with my kibble. There was food in there for more than a week (she said) and she would only be gone for the weekend, so no problems there. Well, remember how I once managed to get in the closet? I guess something like that happened again… To be honest I’m not really sure how I did it, the memory is just one happy blur of foooooooood! Food, food, food! Food. And more….. food. And then the tin was empty and my tummy ached. The humans were a bit upset with me, I think, and hoped that I had shared the food with the other dogs around. Of course I hadn’t. So I was very very full, and had to stay in my bed for a long time. The humans didn’t feel sorry for me at all. They even laughed at me when I made a gigantic poo later (ah, the relieve!).
Later that weekend my dog hosts and I were home alone again. By now I felt much better, a little peckish even. So you can imagine my joy when I smelled many snacks in the recycle and garbage bins!
Humans waste so many perfectly eatable things…. It was a bit hard to pull everything out of the bins, and of course I had to search through the stuff thoroughly, spreading everything out through the apartment. This way I got every cookie crumb from the wrappers and every last lick of yoghurt from what the humans call the ’empty’ container. I also nibbled on a few tea bags, they are quite nice in a perfumy and refreshing kind of way. It wasn’t as great as finding the filled food container, but it was still very good, with all these interesting different smells and tastes.
All this partying made me really tired. I like my own bed, but you know what I like even more? A couch! I’m not allowed on couches, but luckily I can make myself invisible, so up I went! On the couch I dreamt wonderful dreams about food containers that never go empty and trash cans filled with greasy muffin wrappers. I wonder if this is what people call ‘holiday’…..
this was so funny!
Haha Ruby, you naughty girl!
Sure that this kind of things only happen when you are with human friends, because at home they are very careful…